Android 11 brings temporary permission and scoped storage


February, 2020

Android 11 | Beta | Developer Preview

The first Android 11 Beta adds temporary permissions and a feature called scoped storage.

It is no doubt that Google is pushing for increased security with Android. One of the first additions to kick this off is temporary permissions and scoped storage.

Temporary permissions means that the user can chose to only temporary allow access to location, microphone and camera temporary. This is great for when you only want and app to have permission for a little bit, instead of permanently.

Temporary permissions.

Scoped storage was meant to be introduced with Android 10, but wad delayed to Android 11 to give developers more time to implement this feature. Scoped Storage is a way for applications to store and access data without requesting the "write_external_storage" permission. This means that each app has its own isolated storage instead of having access to the entire Android file system.

There has been some performance concerns with scoped storage, but Google is looking into it.

To understand how Scoped Storage works, you can check out this article by MindOrks.

What do you think about these privacy and security focused features? Please let me know down below! Thank you so much for reading!

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